How did you two meet?
Steve was my client! I was working for an agency who specialized in servicing the expedited trucking industry and we met at a conference and became good friends. Sold him a website and kept chatting and seeing each other every 6 months or so... fast forward 2 years and I picked up and moved to Northwest Arkansas to be with him.

How did he propose?
He just got home and I was getting ready for dinner, (wet hair, half face of make-up) and I went to say hi to him in the kitchen. He said "so, do you want to get engaged right now?!" He then dropped to his knee (with a boot on because he had a broken leg at the time) and asked me to marry him. It was super sweet and very "us", he then started to cry and I'm still not sure if it was because he was so happy, or in so much pain from being down on his broken leg hahaha.
Where was your wedding?
We got "legally" married at our home in Arkansas with just our immediate family and a justice of the peace. We then went to Banff and said the vows that we wrote at a private ceremony in the woods at Moraine Lake.
Where was your honeymoon?
We lake-hopped around Banff. Moraine Lake, Lake Louise, Emerald Lake and Banff
Favorite vacay together:
We truly have a great time everywhere we go. We recently went to Portland, Maine for my birthday and had a blast eating seafood, doing a self guided brewery tour and exploring the coast.

Advice to Engaged/newlyweds:
You have to be best friends and partners above all else. Sometimes love alone isn't enough to get you through the hard times, the challenges, and the individual growth.

IG: @alixkeil_nwadance
Photographer- Miles Witt Boyer @mileswittboyer